Services available for Virtual Team Captain include:
Team Management: If you are tired of dealing with finances and logistics required to keep your team together, let us take care of those details. Wouldn't you rather be focusing on your game anyway!
Event Marketing: We connect players with teams, whether it is only for one night, or for an entire season. If you are a player looking for a team, you should join VTC's subscription on the home page. If you are a team in search of players, we would be happy to connect you with the ones in your local area.
Goalie 911: A service for teams searching for finding last minute goalies for ice hockey. It is a drag when it ever happens, but it does not have to happen to you. Reach out to us at the email below, and we shall scour our network to find you a match. Please include the following information with your request:
Event Location and Address
Event Date and Time
League Level
Team Name
Point of Contact Name and Email Address
For additional information, reach out to